Sunday, June 29, 2014

23 Struggles Of Working In The Fast Food Industry

Would you like fries with that attitude?

When some customers act all high and mighty simply because you have to take their order.

When some customers act all high and mighty simply because you have to take their order.

Yes, I'm making this food for you. No, you can't treat me like shit. / Via

When people use the drive-thru to empty out their piggy banks, leaving you with $15 dollars in coins.

When people use the drive-thru to empty out their piggy banks, leaving you with $15 dollars in coins.

Sir, I've got another order coming in over the headset, I have to make three milkshakes for you, and now I have to count all of this change. No.

Bravo / Via

When your chain restaurant adds new items to the menu, and everything’s place on the register changes.

When your chain restaurant adds new items to the menu, and everything’s place on the register changes.

"1-1-3 used to mean 'Snickers Blizzard,' but now it's '6-piece chicken nuggets.' Damn."

Nickelodeon / Via

Playing “rock, paper, scissors” with your coworkers to see who has to take out the trash versus clean the bathrooms.

Playing “rock, paper, scissors” with your coworkers to see who has to take out the trash versus clean the bathrooms.

NBC / Via

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